Girlfriend Experience Manchester Escort

There is much speculation about the Girlfriend Experience (GFE): what does it entail and why is it different from other experiences you can have with an escort? The high class Girlfriend Experience that I offer is beautifully unique – just like me. Let me give you an insight into what the GFE means to me…..

The Girlfriend Experience is the type of experience you have fantasised about: a relaxed, sensual, mutually enjoyable time spent with the girlfriend of your dreams.

The physical side of the GFE, although important, is only one aspect of our experience. I want to connect with you on an emotional and intellectual level too, for I believe with our minds at ease we free ourselves of inhibition, allowing our special connection to grow and take us away to who knows where….

Being affectionate and tactile is as natural to me as breathing and I enjoy the closeness of the GFE, kissing, caressing and cuddling.

Our time together will be a highly sensual experience that I’m confident you’ll never forget. There will be playful teasing, tender caressing, the emotional connection between us building to a passionate climax with bodies entwined, Egyptian cotton bed sheets wrapped around us, holding us close.

While I am with you, you are my priority. I value being present, enjoying each precious moment with you as it unfolds.

With Love

I met Diana for the first time this week and was completely and utterly bowled over, mesmorized and staggered by her. Let me explain. From the minute I entered her lovely apartment she her raision d etre was to please, serve and give pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction. She is everything a man could want in such an encounter. She loves fun, frollicks and fantasy - and does all three with amazing panache and style. I was blessed to connect with Diana immediately - I don't truly understand how that can happen but it just did. For me visiting her was an honour, a privilege and incredibly good fun in every possible definition of the meaning of the word 'fun.' I have found a jewel, nay a diamond, nay nay, a treasure chest of hedonism, joy and pleasure right here in the very heart of Manchester. O happy days!
M x

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